2018年1月25日,美国生物科技龙头吉利德科学公司在一份写给该公司所有的社区伙伴的声明中宣布支持U=U(测不出=不具传染力)。吉利德科学公司HIV/HBV医疗事务副总裁David Piontkowsky表示“这一科学结论可以转化为及时、准确的信息,使受疾病影响最严重的社区得到加强,并强调在关怀护理中应重视保证所有HIV感染者的参与。”
Today, in a statement announcing the endorsement of U=U to all of Gilead's community partners, David Piontkowsky, Vice President, HIV/HBV Medical Affairs, said,"This scientific conclusion translates to timely, accurate information for empowering communities most impacted by the disease, and highlights the importance of engaging and retaining all people living with HIV in care."
"People living with HIV have felt ostracized and isolated as a result of the fear-based myths surrounding HIV/AIDS. The science is clear, and we’re glad to join more than 500 organizations in support of the U=U Campaign."